Company Profile

We have a total of 60 years experience in the handling of Lincoin Electric Company wide range of arc welding products. In collaboration with Lincoln Electric's commitment to providing the most innovative, cost effective, quality welding and cutting solution, we have been able to provide competent and reliable solutions to our customers in the welding industry

About Us

We are a market leader in Malaysia servicing to the needs of the Oil & Gas Industry, Pressure Vessel Shops, Shipbuilding, Tank Fabrication, Power Plants and Construction Industry.

We thrive on maintaining a reputation for being efficient and the ability to deliver to our customers.

Serving the welding industry in "Helping our customers find the better way", our commitment at Weldteck.

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We are well stock with a comprehensive range of Lincoln machine parts to serve our customers' needs. Our well trained staff are able to identify and efficiently advise the correct parts, that you may require.

Our Service Shop is managed by a Service Engineer trained by Lincoln Electric Co. in all aspects of machine trouble shooting.

We are confident of handling if any, your machine woes.

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